Friday, April 16, 2010

I Gooooo Back

Today is Flash Back Friday hosted by Jenn her button is on my page its the one that says my crazy life Idk her link and she wont answer so yea haha. Love ya Jenn

This flash back is gonna take us all the way back to 1995 or somewhere around there. I remember when it used to rain frogs. Litlle itty bitty cute frogs. Everytime it would rain at my nanas Jenn and I would run around scooping those suckers up like nothing. It was like they literally fell out of the sky! Hundreds!! Neways so we would pick up our frogs and put them in this big black tube thing. Only to find the next morning they were all either gone or dead. But it didnt matter because as soon as it would rain we were at it again.  Today I wouldnt dare touch a frog ewww not even those little itty bitty cute frogs although, I do wish it would rain frogs again.  Id love to see it. Crazy how time changes you isnt it??

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Muffin man please come take my muffin

So today is the day I post about my diet hosted by

So this is week two of the challenge. And I have yet to get my scale. Bare with me Ill get there. I dont know how Im going to know how Im doing without that thing. But I can tell you this I have been eating less and I have been drinking more water. I plan to conitnue this routine. My new three steps are 1. Do my arm exercises 3 times a week seriously it only takes like 5 minutes and its supposed to be garuanteed to work. 2. Ashley get your butt on that treadmill and 3. Stop eating peanut butter with crackers and a glass of milk at night before bed. This one is going to be the hardest for me to break I love my crackers n milk :( So if I must eat late at night Im going to stick to fruit. Im going to put a picture of those skinny models all over my house for motivation lol okay not really if I do Im sure Ill be playing darts. Oh the joys of dieting. I hate it but Im determined to get in shape and feel better about myself. To me its not so much about losing a whole lot of weight its more about being healthy and energetic then with that the weight will come off and that will be okay too. Good luck to all who are taking this journey with us!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

It's Friday Ya'll

So today is the first day of Flash Back Friday hosted by my kick ass cousin Jenn over @ go check hers out and link up!!

I was trying to decide lastnight what FlashBack to post and I decided Id go with a memory I have that still makes me miss my childhood. When I was a little girl my grandpa ran a wreckin yard. He would push me around in my little red wagon to go on a "treasure hunt" (all the money from the old cars.) Little did I know we ran out of money from the cars years ago and he was the one who would throw the change on the floor for us to find. We never knew and he never told until we got older he was the reason we got to continue our treasure hunt which was one of my favorites. I dont think my Papa knows how dear I hold that memory to my heart. Every single time I see a little red wagon it takes me back!! Oh how I miss those simple days.

Today is also Feel Good Friday hosted by :) Shout out to everyone!! I love Fridays! Im telling you they are my favorite day next to Saturday. Actually I think I like Friday better than Saturday!! Neways, lets get to the good stuff 5 things that make me feel mmm mmm good!! Here we go...

1. Summer Air the smells brings back memories galore!!

2. Cheese Pizza - this will turn the worst day into the best day ever Im just sayin.

3. My car being spotless inside and out- trust me this is a good thing because if you have a young one you know what I mean its almost impossible for a spotless car!!

4. Watching our dog Capone bite the glass door!! Its hilarious and it cracks me up everytime. He looks like such a nerd when he does it you cant help but giggle. And last but not least....

5. Crackin Jokes with Joey:)

Happy Friday!! Hope everyones day is as great as mine is so far!! Yes Ive had my cofffee can you tell?? haha

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dear Someone.

So today is Dear Someone hosted by ShortMama @ after you read mine go check out hers and others.

Dear Jenn,
 Today Im writing to you. I just want to tell you thank you so much for helping me with my blog. And I dont mean a little I mean ALOT. I can hardly keep up with you but Im trying and if it wasnt for you Id never get linked up or have my button or even know what I was doing lol. So a big THANK YOU to you dear!!

Your grateful cousin

Dear Creater of Mondays,
I seriously wish you would reconsider Monday as part of the weekend. I mean 2 days off and 5 days of work hardly seems fair. We work hard we need an extra weekend day. I know this wouldnt be hard to do. We spend to much time at work and not enough time at home with our families. I just thought Id bring that to your attention. Thank you

Wishful Thinking.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My thoughts are overflowing

So glad its Random Tuesday hosted by   my thoughts are overflowing today.

  • West Texas Wind is ridiculous...I cant work in my yard because of the dirt blowin tumble weed flyin stinkin weather.
  • Im ready for a long weekend... and I mean looooong.
  • Why do eggs stink?
  • My daughter is about to be 6.... why does time have to go by so fast? I remember when I first brought her home from the hospital sometimes it feels like yesterday.
  • Be sure to take time to enjoy the little things in life.
  • Its a good idea to do one good deed a day.
  • Whats the deal with soon as I get all caught up Im behind again. This might have something to do with my daughter thinking she has to change 5 times a day. I dont know. But I do know I've decided itll never be caught up caught up so I dont let it stress me out anymore.
  • I have to stop eating all that Easter candy it isnt helping my diet at ALL.
  • I love air freshner it reminds me of a place Ive never been and want to visit.
  • I have been doing good one cup of coffee a day and the rest of the time water or juice anything besides coke.
  • I cant seem to figure out why Im so tired all the time here lately.
  • Lexi cat is going to have kittens and dont get me wrong I love animals, but I hate baby kittens who cant use a liter box...ewww its going to be so messy I going to try n make sure she has them in the bathroom. You think if she doesnt and I move her and them to the bathroom she would still care for them?
That isnt all of my random thoughts, but Im going to say thats enough or Ill be here all day haha. I hope yall have a great day.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Feel Good Friday

Hey everyone its friday!! You know what the means...Feel Good Friday hosted by after you read mine link up with her and read her and others alike.

So every Friday is Feel Good Friday for me I work half a day, I go spend the afternoon with one of my dearest girlfriends and catch up on what happened through out the week, and of course that means the weekend is here no work and all play! Other than that heres some other things that make me feel good.

1. Long bubbles baths with candles and some music.
2. Sweet Tea :)
3. My morning coffee
4. All the art work and letters my babygirl writes me
5. Playing with my dogs
6. Opening my wallet and finding money I didnt know I had..heck yes!!
7. SundayFundayJadaBug Day! ( for those of you who dont know its the day I keep my little niece)
8. Talking to my sister ( shes like my child only now that we are grown I can go back to being more of a big sister but I can still bust out the momma on her if need just sayin... lol love you sister!!)
9. The fact that the Good Lord gave me another day on earth!

Well there it is fellow bloggers. Hope you enjoy. Have a great friday!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

If this isnt true I dont know what is....

Now I'm not sure if its the same for dads n their sons but let me tell you one thing motherhood has taught me. Once you become a mom of a beautiful little girl everything you own is fair game and NOTHING I mean NOTHING you have is ever all yours anymore.
They take your favorite shoes and walk around the house you remind them to put them back when they are done bc they are mommies favorite shoes and sure enough a hour later the dog has chewed them up.
They get ahold of your favorite perfum and spray the entire bottle all over their little bodies.
And your favorite necklace forget it they accidently broke it trying to take it off.
They play dress up in your favorite shirt and spill red juice down the front.
They wash barbies hair with an entire bottle of shampoo bc barbies hair was really dirty.
And their idea of their hair finally being perfect is ten minutes later and a full bottle of hairspary you just bought that morning.
Your favorite ring gets dropped in the sink and down the drain when she was washing her tiny hands before dinner.
She uses your make up for art and she wants your pillow because its better than hers.
I can only imagine how it will be when she's 16 whatever the years bring and whatever gets destroyed or altered a little down the road I'm ready for and excited for the journey.
She has brought 5 years so far of love and laughs and I'm so thankful for her I can't wait to see what she does next.